Our Partner
The Dolomitenlauf is part of the Worldloppet competition. After the Vasaloppet in China and before the legendary König Ludwig Lauf in Germany, the Dolomitenlauf in Osttirol is one of the worldwide Worldloppet competitions that take place every year from January to April. In the best tradition of international races, this event also attracts thousands of people, from world-class athletes to hobby runners, who enjoy sports and nature together.
The Worldloppet Ski Federation (known as “Worldloppet”) is an international sports federation of cross-country skiing marathons, founded in 1978. The aim of Worldloppet is to promote the sport of cross-country skiing through its various member ski races around the world. Only one and therefore the best race from a country can be a member of Worldloppet. Worldloppet currently unites 20 races from Europe, America, Asia and Australia.
Jizerská Padesátka (CZE), Dolomitenlauf (AUT), Marcialonga (ITA), König Ludwig Lauf (GER), Tartu Marathon (EST), La Transjurassienne (FRA), Finlandia-hiihto (FIN), Vasaloppet (SWE), Engadin Skimarathon (SUI), Birkebeinerrennet (NOR), Bieg Piastow (POL), Demino Ski Marathon (RUS), Fossavatn Ski Marathon (ISL).
American Birkebeiner (USA), Gatineau Loppet (CAN), Ushuaia Loppet (ARG).
Sapporo International Ski Marathon (JPN), Vasaloppet China (CHI)
Australia & Oceania:
Kangaroo Hoppet (AUS), Merino Muster Race (NZE).
Participation in a Worldloppet race is a remarkable achievement and is therefore recorded with the Worldloppet Passport. The Worldloppet Passport is a personal document in which every participation in an event should be recorded. The official Worldloppet Passport includes a special page for each event in the Worldloppet Series. After finishing a Worldloppet race, the participant asks the race office for the official stamp for the event. The stamp in the passport is the confirmation of the completed race. Collecting the many Worldloppet stamps is an additional motivation to practice the sport of cross-country skiing and to travel to different places to experience new countries, people and cultures. At the moment there are more than 18,000 Worldloppet passes in circulation around the world.
The price for the Worldloppet Pass is approx. € 39,- (depending on the tax in the respective country). The Worldloppet Pass is available at all Worldloppet race offices of the 20 members. Furthermore, the Worldloppet Pass can be ordered online.
All Worldloppet races of the current winter season are visible at: https://www.worldloppet.com/global-ski-marathon-calendar/
Mrs. Epp Paal Worldloppet CEO
Gunnar Zlöbl Worldloppet Presse and Media Manager
Since July 2016 Tartu Maraton in Estonia is responsible for the Worldloppet office administration.
Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that races are canceled just a few weeks or even days before the planned date. This means that you, as a cross-country skier, may not have the opportunity to take part in a race and earn your Worldloppet pass stamp despite having to travel a long way to get there.
HERE you can find out what happens if a ski marathon is canceled and how we try to offer alternatives.

Tirol³ Nordic Challenge
The three largest Tyrolean XC ski races - Dolomitenlauf, Ganghoferlauf and Galtür Nordic Volumes - are joining forces and launching the ‘Tirol³ Nordic Challenge’. This new partnership aims to promote popular sport in Tyrol and offers participants unique benefits and exciting challenges.
The ‘Tirol³ Nordic Challenge’ is more than just a series of competitions. It is aimed at all enthusiastic XC skiers who want to take on a special challenge. Those who take part in at least one competition of each event within a season benefit from attractive discounts and receive awards that are not linked to top performances, but to participation and successful completion of the races. The events will take place on the following dates in 2025:
Dolomitenlauf: 17.01. – 19.01.2025
Ganghoferlauf: 01.03. – 02.03.2025
Galtür Nordic Volumes: 27.03. – 29.03.2025
Participation in the ‘Tirol³ Nordic Challenge’ is honoured with discounts and awards. All participants who register for at least one competition per fun run in a season receive a 10% discount on the total entry fee. In addition, there are medals and certificates in the gold, silver and bronze categories depending on the distance covered. The awards are available in the following categories and require at least one race finish per fun run (does not have to be done within one season):
• Gold: min. 3 long distance races
• Silver: min. 1 long & 2 short distances or min. 2 long & 1 short distance
• Bronze: min. 3 short distances
To ensure smooth operation, it is important that the same name and date of birth are used when registering.
Prizes for individuals:
In addition to the awards, there is also the chance for individuals to win high-quality prizes in the gold category. These include regional vouchers (season tickets, hotel vouchers, etc.) and will be raffled off among all those who achieve the gold category within a year.
Prizes for teams:
For this classification, participants can form mixed teams of up to 20 people. The team with the most members who collect the most kilometres over short and long distances (no sprint) wins. In order for a team member and their kilometres to be counted, they must take part in at least one competition at each venue.
The winning team will win an exclusive holiday in Galtür in summer 2025, including 2 nights with half board and a training camp to prepare for the upcoming cross-country skiing season. The highlight of the holiday is a meet & greet with the Austrian professional cross-country skier Teresa Stadlober.
** Conditions of participation Team Challenge: Only athletes who have taken part in all 3 races and finished at least one race in each event will be counted and honoured. The minimum distance is 20 km per race. The entry fees must have been paid by the participants themselves (not by sponsors, associations, free ticket contingents, etc.). The team with the most ranked members who collect the most kilometres over short and long distances (no sprint) in all 3 fun runs within a season wins the prize package. Each team member must complete a race distance in all 3 races. If a team consists of 8 members, but only 5 of them finish at least one race in all races, the final team size in the classification is 5 persons. The minimum final team size is 2 people. The maximum final team size is 20 persons. If the team size is less than or equal to 10 people, each person will receive 2 places for the weekend and may bring an additional person with them. From a team size of 11 people, the team receives a flat rate of 20 places. If there are several teams with the same final team size (max. 20 people) and the same number of kilometres collected, the package will be raffled among these teams.

For the most ambitious athletes, the ‘Tirol³ Nordic Challenge’ offers a special cup ranking that rewards the performances of the fastest participants. Here, the fastest athletes are honoured based on their results in the individual races. A special scoring system is used: the best time of the day in a race is multiplied by a maximum number of points and then divided by the athlete's own time. This produces a ranking list that honours the best performances. The ten best women and men in the cup ranking will be invited to the ‘Award Ceremony of the Tirol³ Nordic Cup 2025’ at the Galtür Nordic Volumes, where they will be honoured with medals and certificates for their outstanding performances.
We warmly welcome you to the Tirol³ Nordic family and look forward to your participation!
Your Tirol³ Nordic Family,